Boulangerie de Neuilly

That time I took a photo of the sandwich I wanted and pointed to the photo when ordering, because I didn’t want to get anxiety about not speaking French in a fast paced setting.

After sleeping in and missing breakfast at my hotel, I was starving for something to eat. Arriving at Neuilly-sur-Seine a bit of time before a perfume workshop I’d signed up for, I walked up and down Avenue du Roule and Rue de Chartres to try and find a quick breakfast spot. It wasn’t until I turned down Rue Madeleine Michelis that I found my solution to my hunger problem. That’s when I spotted Boulangerie de Neuilly and the plethora of sandwiches in the window.

A good sandwich is relatively simple: quality ingredients, layered just right, matched with the right bread to bring it all together. I had very few things on my to do checklist for Paris. And finding the right place for a sandwich was at the top of my list.

Now, in situations when I don’t know if people are going to start speaking to me in another language, I tend to get nervous. I can read energy and point in English. But, in this situation, I figured the best way to not hold up the line would be to take a photo of the sandwich I wanted and show it to the order taker.

Luckily, after asking me what I wanted, seeing that I was showing her a photo on my iPhone and watching my “Sorry, I’m American and don’t speak French fluently but Bonjour!” facial expression, the order taker immediately started speaking English to me.

She got my PROSCIUTTO AND BRIE sandwich and asked if I wanted anything else. I tried to respond in conversational broken French. But, ended up just shaking my head and paying the required euros before heading out.

Waking back to the perfume workshop location, I unwrapped my sandwich and took my first bite.

I sighed.

It was so good that I wished I could mail this sandwich to me, once a month.

That’s the beauty of Paris.

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Boulangerie de Neuilly

28 Rue Madeleine Michelis
Neuilly-sur-Seine, France 92200
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