Reborn Coffee

Reborn Coffee offers cozy cups of coffee in a relaxed, clean and bright interior in in La Crescenta, California

After a lovely 5.31 mile bike ride in Griffith Park, I suggested to Rosemary that we actually not go to our usual spot of Morning Service Coffee. Instead, I suggested that we meet at a new to me coffee shop, to fully relax and enjoy conversation. For some reason, I said “What’s a good place in Montrose?” After a quick search, she suggested Reborn Coffee in La Crescenta, in north Glendale.

When I arrived, I thought it was a super cute spot. In fact, I had to really ask myself if I’d been there or not! After settling in on the fact that it was – indeed – new to me, I set about choosing the right selection to order.

Arriving at the register, I browsed the daily espresso selections before asking the kind women behind the counter, what her favorite drink was. After gushing that she loved so many of them, she shared with me her personal favorite combination. Which after pondering, I ordered.

The off menu FRENCH VANILLA LATTE (Espresso with Reborn’s signature blend, almond milk and heavy pour of vanilla flavoring) that she suggested was absolutely delicious. I loved how it actually tasted vanilla-y, with the almond milk to round out the soft flavor. What I also enjoyed is that the drink didn’t taste overbearingly sugary. It was the right balance of flavor.

After doing more research about the brand, I found out something interesting. Reborn Coffee is focused on what they call the 4th Wave. This means an increased focus on the source of coffee, washing process, roasting and the final cup.

It was perfect for sipping while sitting on the patio with Rosemary, talking about her experiences with the Sierra Club Wilderness Travel Course, which I hope to take within the next three years.

It’s sometimes the simple moments of conversing with someone that you’ve known for about (shocking) 16 years that sends you in to a state of gratitude. Some people are truly in your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.

I’m thankful for all of my friendship experiences – good, challenging and ghosted.

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Reborn Coffee - La Crescenta

3747 Foothill Blvd
Glendale, California 91214
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