Grand Bohemian Hotel Asheville, Autograph Collection

My stay at the Grand Bohemian Hotel Asheville was a beautiful and warm welcome to the art and history of the western region of North Carolina

After booking the BMW One Day M School in South Carolina, I knew that I wanted to arrive on the East Coast at least a day before the event. This would give me enough time to settle in and start adjusting to the time zone.

In booking a hotel in the area, I knew that I wanted to stay in Asheville. I also knew that I wanted a modern decor with local touches. When I found the Grand Bohemian Hotel in Asheville, I was very pleased that it checked all the boxes.

Not only did it seem close to the Biltmore Estate, mile wise – but it also seemed close to a beautiful portion of the Great Smokey Mountains. I immediately booked it and began looking forward to my stay.

After a rather long overnight flight that included a stop over in Atlanta, I arrived in South Carolina. Picking up my car and orientating myself to new surroundings, I was soon deep into my hourlong drive to Asheville in North Carolina to check in.

From the moment I dropped my rental car off at the valet, I absolutely loved the stately grandness of Grand Bohemian Hotel Asheville.

It felt warm, updated and well designed. The lobby had antler chandeliers, a larger wood fired fireplace (could have been gas with fake wood) and unique decor that was heavily influenced by the region.

But, the one thing I loved the most?

The local artwork that adorned the walls, everywhere I looked.

This particular art piece, by Chris Sedgwick, is one that I pondered purchasing. However, buying the piece and lugging it around would be a no go. So, I later reached out to Chris on Instagram to see if I could purchase a print or commission a piece.

The one thing I hated?

That I was only staying for one night.

I simply loved my room.

But, only got the chance to relax under the piping hot waters of the rainforest style shower. I loved my view, as I could feel the essence of Asheville from my window.

With snow lightly on the ground, it was a true Southern winter wonderland.

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Grand Bohemian Hotel Asheville, Autograph Collection

11 Boston Way
Asheville, North Carolina 28803
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