Walking the cobblestone streets of Cefalu, I felt mesmerized by ancient structures meeting modern times
One of the first adventures during the “Sensational Sicily – Yoga, Culture + Self Discovery in Italy” retreat with Kimberly Larkin and James Bene was an extraordinary experience Cefalu, off the northern coast of Sicily in Italy.
From the moment we stopped and took a photo from a brilliantly beautiful overlook into the city, I was in love.
Truthfully speaking, it had been so long since I’d properly meandered – without a goal – around a town. I found myself taken with the pleasure of walking, simply to see what I could find. The only goal I had was finding Porta Pescara, a framed archway that lead to the beach. Beyond that, the hours until we needed to meet at the bus were one of adventure.

I began my stroll up VIA PORTO GUIDECCA and into the main street of the town, CORSO RUGGIERO. I stopped for a bit to marvel and photograph the statues at the Cefalu Cathedral, before resuming my meandering.
I took photos of whatever caught my eye, as I made my way down to the beach.

For lunch, I stopped at Porta Terra Restaurante, which is different than Antica Porta Terra Bar Gelateria. The restaurant, which is right behind the outside bar only tables, is where you can actually order food for lunch. I made the mistake of finding out the hard way when I sat at a bar table, tried to order food along with my spritz, and was directed to the restaurant instead.

After lunch, I stopped at Aintica Porta Terra Bar – Gelateria and had an absolutely delicious Brioche con gelato with pistachio gelato sandwiched within a brioche bun.

Walking Corso Ruggiero once again, I stopped to admire the picturesque pottery on the steps of Osterio Piccolo.
Soon, I found my way down Via Veterani, turned on Via Vittorio Emanuele found PORTA PESCARA:
This gate is the sole survivor of the four gates once spreading along the city’s walls. It is named after the viceroy, who had the gate restored in 1570. It is located in the old part of the city, near the beach and the old harbour, where it frames the sea through its Gothic arch, which is surmounted by the Kings of Sicily’s coat of arms. In the passageway one can notice a few portions of mullions and some reutilization blocks.
Looking along the Cefalu coastline from SPIAGGETTA DEL PORTO and PORTO VECCHIO was life giving. It was simply stunningly beautiful.

It was here that I really allowed the fact that I was in Sicily wash over me. The mixture of architecture, the liveliness of the beach and the power of the waves of the Tyrrhenian Sea crashing onto the beach from the high winds transfixed me.
I took some time at the BASTIONE DI CAPO MARCHIAFAVA at the PIAZZA FRANCESCO CRISPI, to enjoy the view.

From The World of Sicily website:
The bastion of Capo Marchiafava is an ancient defensive bulwark of Cefalù with a polygonal shape and a point projecting towards the sea. Completed in 1642, it is the most advanced northern bastion of the town’s fortification system. The name Marchiafava is a combination of the Arabic word Marsa, which means port, and the Sicilian word favara, which means spring.
Rounding out my time, I walked along the coastline, following Via Porta Giudecca to the PORTO DI CEFALU. Reaching Via Presidiana, I walked along the beach and found an absolutely lovely place to relax and just do absolutely nothing until it was time to meet up with the group again.
It was an absolutely perfect afternoon in Cefalu.
Cefalu, Italy: An Afternoon Stroll on the Northern Coast of Sicily
Cefalu, Italy