With an order of ceviche, Mexican beer and chips, lunch at Charlie's Restaurant offered the quintessential Tulum food experience.
After shared pina coladas and relaxing at La Tulumena, Barbara and I wanted to sojourn at another spot in Tulum to take in more of the city’s atmosphere. After going through the location options via Apple Maps, we settled on Charlie’s Restaurant. After all, Barbara had loved it her first visit and was open to going again.
After we crossed the street and I took a look inside, I could clearly see why she loved it.
It was lovely.

I also enjoyed the artist area in the back. I appreciated the focus on local artwork, both on the restaurant walls and in the gallery space.
After a quick browse of the menu, we both ordered bottles of Victoria’s. I later learned that Victoria’s – a Vienna-style lager that’s been in production since 1865, is Mexico’s oldest beer brand. It was easy and drinkable in the heat of the day.

For our second round, I wanted something that would go well with FISH CEVICHE that caught my eye. A bottle of another local beer, Cerveza Minerva, a craft brew from the largest brewer in Mexico hit the spot.
Charlie’s Restaurant is also beautifully decorated. The decor feels natural and vibrant, reflective of local character and color. I basked in the visions of the dreamcatchers, Mayan statues, flora and fauna. The whole restaurant is just a vibe.
I truly enjoyed my time.
Charlie's Restaurant
Av. Tulum 7Tulum Centro, Quintana Roo 77760, Mexico